PHP comments

, by Prashant Gunjal

PHP comments are just same as c or c++ comments .// is use for single line comment and /*   */ is use for multiline comment.

Program :
    <title>PHP comments</title>
//this is single line comment
    echo "<br>Addition is = $no3";
    /*$no3=$no1-$no2;        MULTILINE COMMENT
    echo "<br>Substraction is = $no3";
    echo "<br>Multiplication is = $no3";
    echo "<br>Division is = $no3";
    echo "<br>Postincrement of no3 is = $no3";
    echo "<br>Original no is = $no3 and preincrement is = ".++$no3;
    echo "<br>Postdecrement of no3 is = $no3";
    echo "<br>Original no is = $no3 and predecrement is = ".--$no3;*/