PHP Scripts
Engineer's Vision
PHP bindings for GTK+.
- PHP Live Support :
Commercial support and CRM solution. Unlimited departments and operators. MySQL powered.
- InterAKT :
Offering PHP tools for MySQL and Ultradev programers. This company also offers PHP components to assist rapid development of enterprise ready PHP web applications.
- phpDoc :
A script for documentation PHP scripts in an intelligent manner. Similar to javaDoc.
- stardevelop Live Help :
A PHP, mySQL based customer support solution that provides a real time chat service for online customers. [Commercial]
- DeskPRO :
Customer support management software with both web and email access.
- Stadtaus :
Provides PHP scripts including a form mail script, an image gallery and a guestbook script. [Commercial]
- aeDating :
A PHP dating script and content management system. By AEwebworks Dating Software.
- PHP/SWF Charts :
A PHP/Flash tool to create attractive web charts from dynamic data.
- PhpWiki Project Page :
WikiWikiWeb clone written in the server-side scripting language PHP.
- Ravens PHP Scripts :
KISGB (an advanced PHP guestbook), KISSQ (Keep It Simple Stock Quote), Nuke modules and patches, SQL tools.
- Geek Code Decoder :
Generator and decoder. The defacto tagline for internet geeks.
- Sendcard :
An e-card program. Includes screenshots, documentation and testimonials. [Open source, Artistic license]
- phpOnline :
A live customer support system using PHP+MySQL+Flash to operate. [Open source, GPL]
- phpReview :
Reviewing system to show online reviews of books, software in multiple languages.
- Ashnews :
PHP and MySQL based News and blogging script. Features multi-tier security, smilies and automated installation system.
- BBClone:
A PHP web counter that logs and show each IP address with reverse DNS, operating system, browser, referring URL, visit time and number of visits in a graphical interface. [Open source, GPL]
- PHP Event Calendar :
A PHP script extending web site's functilality with event sheduler or news archive. [Free for non-commercial use]
- AutoIndex PHP Directory Lister :
Creates a list of the files in a directory on a website, and lets you browse/download them in Windows Explorer-like way. [Open source, GPL]
- WiredPHP :
Banner ad, newsletter and refer-a-friend available for download.
- ScriptsToProfit :
Offering quality free and affordable PHP/MySQL website scripts, including STP Traffic Exchange, STP Reciprocal Manager, STP PHP Code Lock, STP ClickBank Search Engine.
- Regular Expression Tester :
A PHP script to test regular expressions. Shows matching patterns in red. Source code available for download, includes regular expression cheat sheet. Online demo.
- Vote! Pro :
A PHP voting solution for web site with skins support. [Commercial]
- SkinTech - Free PHP Scripts :
A collection of free PHP scripts including phpNewsManager, phpWebMagazine, RateIt!, phpMyQuote, X-Changer, SkinMem, SkinBase.
- teSpeed :
A PHP script will measure the speed of website where it installed and displays the results in 7 comprehensive graphs. [Freeware]
- Hitech scripts :
Free comments manager, guestbook, sample counter, random password generator PHP script.
- PHPJunkYard :
PHP scripts, such as hit counter, guestbook, message board, link manager. Also links to PHP resources.
- :
PHP scripts aimed at novice webmasters. "RadChat" and "RadLinks" are available for download.
- EasyFormIt :
Facility for automatic creation of webforms. Features documentation and downloads.
- Netjuke :
A Web-based audio streaming jukebox for digital music collection. Supports a wide variety of audio formats, has several language translations, randomization features, private and shared playlists, ID3 and Ogg tags and image management. [Open source, GPL]
- :
Fusebox (a system for migrating from ColdFusion to PHP) and examples. Also some useful classes.
- Dynamic PHP Menu Script :
Free PHP menu script that determines the current page and changes the menu to gray out and make an inactive grey link. All with PHP - no javascript.
- MD Web :
MD contact application to use on website so that visitors can contact webmaster easily. MD News, a database driven PHP script that will allow to easily put news updates on site. [Free for non-commercial sites]
- AzDG - Azerbaijan Development Group :
PHP and MySQL based scripts, including AzDGDating, AzDGVote, AzDGGuestbook. [Open source, GPL]
- totallyPHP :
Provide free PHP scripts, such as guestbooks, hit counters, directory lister, as well as handy snippets of code for use in PHP programming.
- Code Snippet Library :
A PHP script for storing code snippets. [Open source, GPL]
- EP-Dev :
Offer free PHP scripts, including EP-Dev Counter, EP-Dev Whois, EP-Dev Forum News. Also provide Invision Board (IBF)mods.
- PHPAccess :
A PHP script that allows non-technical users to configure web-site security via Apache webserver ".htaccess" files.
- Holiday Calculations :
Free library of PHP tools for calculating holidays. It includes actual/observed days, Easter Sunday, day/week of month calculations, and the number of weeks in a month containing a specific day.
- VDaemon - Web Form Validation :
A PHP library that check for errors and, if necessary, display messages to the user. [Freeware]
- Presto Poll :
A PHP coded poll script for a website. It doesn't need any SQL database and it has an admin center for modify all the settings. [Open source, GPL]
- kimono :
A network service monitor similar to sysmon for monitoring server environment and alerting upon failure. It stores all data (by default) in XML format making it very flexible in its use. [Open source, GPL]
- :
Free PHP scripts including messsengers, chat scripts and shopping carts, counters.
- FormHandler :
Basic functionality consists of checking some of the input fields, sending the data to a specified person and displaying a result page. But the basic functionality also includes a mechanism of dynamically loading and executing different modules in different runlevels. [Open Source, GPL]
- PHPaint v1.0 :
A very effective graphical interface for creating, manipulationg, and previewing images made "on the fly" using PHP, the GD Library, and the FreeType module. [Open source, GPL]
- phpObjectForms Library :
phpObjectForms is a fully object-oriented, highly customizable, easily extendable, library for creating and processing HTML forms without writing any HTML code.
- HIOX Free Scripts :
Free php scripts including: Mail/Support Interface, Guest Book, Calendars, Rating System, Image Rotator, DB Query Tool, counters, Visitor Tracking, Calculator, Broken Link Analyser.
- Five Star Review Script :
An Amazon-style review script allows users to rank a product or item on a scale of 1-5 stars and make comments related to the product for other users to read. [Commercial]
- phpTimeSheet :
Timesheet/Timetracking organizer/scheduler using PHP and MySQL, can manage workers, projects, and companies, logging every-day come- and go-times, contracted hours, overtime, workspace and project-hours, attendance-time, holidays, create reports.
- Zach White :
Free Uploading and Downloading Scrips for use on any website. Includes forums for script support and help.
- phpComponents :
Enabling fast distributed access to PHP components. It extends PHP's already powerful URL wrapper functionality. By caching source files, the overhead of fetching remote files is eliminated.
PHP class that provides support for creating PDF documents without any libraries.
- Rampart :
User authentication for multiple sites and pages through a single datasource and code base.
- Daniele Leone's PHP Scripts :
PHP scripts: PHPphotoAlbum, PHPyahooNews, PHPgoogleSearch.
- PHP Addressbook :
A free PHP based address book that uses a mySQL database and allows to add, edit, view, or delete contacts. It can be integrated into a website, or used as a standalone application.
- Freedville Central - Open Source Software :
PHP scripts, including a guestbook, poll/voting suite, and quote book. [Open source]
PHP Developers :
Includes mailing list, poll, and guestbook script. [Free and Commercial]
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