E-books on C++

, by Engineer's Vision

  1.      Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software :  (Book is in RAR format ) Free (LINK Updated)
    Design Patterns is a modern classic in the literature of object-oriented development, offering timeless and elegant solutions to common problems in software design. It describes patterns for managing object creation, composing objects into larger structures, and coordinating control flow between objects. The book provides numerous examples where using composition rather than inheritance can improve the reusability and flexibility of code.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  2.      C++ Unleashed :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free (LINK Updated)
    Jesse Liberty's C++ Unleashed presents focused explanations of the core features and complexities of C++. The text covers advanced object-oriented analysis and design strategies and implementation issues associated with memory management, STL container classes, iterators, and algorithms.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  3.      C++ FAQs, Second Edition :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free (LINK Updated)
    This second edition is completely up-to-date with the final ANSI/ISO C++ Standard. It covers some of the smaller syntax changes, such as "mutable"; more significant changes, such as RTTI and namespaces; and such major innovations as the C++ Standard Library, including the STL.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  4.     The C++ Standard Library : A Tutorial and Reference :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free (LINK Updated)
    Programming with the C++ Standard Library can certainly be difficult, but Nicolai Josuttis's The C++ Standard Library provides one of the best available guides to using the built-in features of C++ effectively.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  5. C++ Primer (4th Edition) Stanley B. Lippman :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free (LINK Updated)
    This new edition of C++ Primer, a favorite choice for a first C++ book, has been greatly improved with the latest and greatest on C++, stressing the built-in language features of the C++ Standard Library. For this new version--weighing in at a massive 1,237 pages--Stanley Lippman, a well-known C++ expert, teams up with Josée Lajoie, who has helped define the C++ international language standard. The new material is excellent for programmers who want to get the most out of new and advanced features in the language.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  6. C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    What Every Professional C++ Programmer Needs to Know—Pared to Its Essentials So It Can Be Efficiently and Accurately Absorbed C++ is a large, complex language, and learning it is never entirely easy. But some concepts and techniques must be thoroughly mastered if programmers are ever to do professional-quality work.PassWord:www.ITeBookHome.com
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  7. Imperfect C++: Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    C++, although a marvelous language, isn't perfect. Matthew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn't just tell you what's wrong with C++, but offers practical techniques and tools for writing code that's more robust, flexible, efficient, and maintainable.
  8. Financial Instrument Pricing Using C++ :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    One of the best languages for the development of financial engineering and instrument pricing applications is C++. This book has several features that allow developers to write robust, flexible and extensible software systems. The book is an ANSI/ISO standard, fully object-oriented and interfaces with many third-party applications. It has support for templates and generic programming, massive reusability using templates (write once) and support for legacy C applications.
  9. You Can Program in C++: A Programmer's Introduction :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    An interactive and fun way to learn C++, one of the most popular high-level programming languages for graphic applications This unique, hands-on approach to learning C++ makes the experience fun and interesting by offering the opportunity for readers to get started on real coding Features numerous examples and project ideas as well as GUI and audio extensions so readers can get instant feedback
  10. C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Consistent, high-quality coding standards improve software quality, reduce time-to-market, promote teamwork, eliminate time wasted on inconsequential matters, and simplify maintenance. Now, two of the world's most respected C++ experts distill the rich collective experience of the global C++ community into a set of coding standards that every developer and development team can understand and use as a basis for their own coding standards.
  11. C++ Network Programming, Vol. 1: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Provides practical solutions for developing and optimizing complex distributed systems using the ACE, a revolutionary open-source framework that runs on dozens of hardware platforms and operating systems. Guides software professionals through the traps and pitfalls of developing efficient, portable, and flexible networked applications.
  12. C++ Network Programming, Volume 2: Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form their structure. This book is a practical guide to designing object-oriented frameworks and shows developers how to apply frameworks to concurrent networked applications. Volume 2 explains how frameworks build on wrapper facades to provide higher-level communication services.
  13. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C++ :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Programming with C++ , Second Edition, is an update of the highly successful first edition a bestseller in Schaum's computer science line and reflects the new ISO standard for C++, rendering previous C++ guides obsolete. Essential for programmers, 280,000 computer science students taking first-level classes, and thousands of advanced placement students, this book is the perfect supplement to the leading textbooks in introductory and higher-level programming courses.
  14. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    The Only Official Best-Practice Guide to Qt 4.1 Programming Using Trolltech's Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux--without making source code changes. With this book Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting great results with the most powerful version of Qt ever created: Qt 4.1. Using C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 you'll discover the most effective Qt 4 programming patterns and techniques as you master key technologies ranging from Qt's model/view architecture to Qt's powerful new 2D paint engine.
  15. Professional C++ (Programmer to Programmer) :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    * Geared to experienced C++ developers who may not be familiar with the more advanced features of the language, and therefore are not using it to its full capabilities
    * Teaches programmers how to think in C++-that is, how to design effective solutions that maximize the power of the language
  16. Memory as a Programming Concept in C and C++ :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Assuming readers have a basic familiarity with C or C++, Frantisek Franek describes the techniques, methods and tools available to develop effective memory usage. The overwhelming majority of "bugs" and crashes in computer programming stem from problems of memory access, allocation, or deallocation. Such memory related errors are notoriously difficult to resolve. PassWord:ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From
  17. Creating Games in C++ : A Step-by-Step Guide :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Author David Conger understands what other computer authors and publishers have failed to grasp: That for users like yourself, games don't represent just another fun thing to do with the computer, they're the raison d'etre for computers--and you want to start creating them the minute you start using your PC! With this in mind, David assumes no prior programming knowledge, no mathematical genius, and certainly no extensive understanding of what goes on inside PCs. PassWord:ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  18. C++ for Business Programmers :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    This book provides a highly readable introduction to C++ programming for beginning business programmers. It guides readers through complete and clear descriptions of sample programs, with a wealth of exercises included along the way to help reinforce the important points of each chapter. Throughout the text, a strong emphasis is placed on business applications, rather than those in mathematics or computing.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  19. Effective C++ : 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    This exceptionally useful text offers Scott Myers's expertise in C++ class design and programming tips. The second edition incorporates recent advances to C++ included in the ISO standard, including namespaces and built-in template classes, and is required reading for any working C++ developer.PassWord:www.AvaxHome.ru
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  20. C++ How to Program 5th Edition :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    With over 250,000 sold, Harvey and Paul Deitel's C++ How to Program is the world's best-selling introduction to C++ programming. Now, this classic has been thoroughly updated! The Deitels' groundbreaking How to Program series offers unparalleled breadth and depth of programming concepts and intermediate-level topics for further study. The books in this series feature hundreds of complete, working programs with thousands of lines of code.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  21. C++ Demystified :  (Book is in CHM   format ) Free
    Minimal technical jargon, step-by-step discussions, and quizzes at the end of each chapter make this an easy-to-understand guide to C programming. Quickly learn what a programming language is and the anatomy of C , then jump right into creating your own programs with expert guidance. Discover functions, objects, compilers, linkers, and much more along the way.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  22. C++ Cookbook :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Despite its highly adaptable and flexible nature, C++ is also one of the more complex programming languages to learn. Once mastered, however, it can help you organize and process information with amazing efficiency and quickness. The C++ Cookbook will make your path to mastery much shorter.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  23. The Art of C++ :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Learn how to apply C++ to a wide array of sophisticated applications. In his clear prose, C++ expert and the world’s leading programming author Herb Schildt, shares practical, high-powered applications of C++, revealing some of the most interesting features of the language in the process.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  24. A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    A well-written tutorial on the ANSI C++ language, suitable for either self-study or classroom work. from elementary language concepts to professional software development, with in-depth coverage of all the C++ language elements
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  25. Advanced CORBA(R) Programming with C++ :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Written for the experienced C++ developer facing real-world CORBA for the first time, Advanced CORBA Programming with C++ is a useful guide to today's most popular standard for distributed computing.The authors provide numerous short excerpts of C++ code, though it must be said that much of this book is reference material rather than a hands-on programming tutorial.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  26. Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free
    With its innovative approach to teaching the language, Accelerated C++ will challenge readers in the right way. It suggests that you don't need to learn C to be productive in C++. Written in an approachable style, it deserves a close look from any C++ novice.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  27. Ansi/Iso C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook (Que Professional Series) :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    The ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Programmers Handbook is a concise professional C++ reference tool that presents all of the changes and addenda to the language specification. It contains tips and guidelines for exerting the full potential of C++ as a multi-purpose object-oriented programming language.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  28. Applied C++: Techniques for Building Better Software :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free
    Applied C is a practical, straightforward guide to developing high-quality, maintainable software. It reflects the power of C , templates, and the Standard Template Library for industrial-strength programming. Whether you are a single developer or work in a large team, the tips and techniques presented in this book will help you improve.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  29. Art of C++ :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free
    Learn how to apply C++ to a wide array of sophisticated applications. In his clear prose, C++ expert and the world's leading programming author Herb Schildt, shares practical, high-powered applications of C++, revealing some of the most interesting features of the language in the process.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  30. Beyond the C++ Standard Library : An Introduction to Boost :  (Book is in RAR   format ) Free
    Introducing the Boost libraries: the next breakthrough in C++ programming. Boost takes you far beyond the C++ Standard Library, making C++ programming more elegant, robust, and productive. Now, for the first time, a leading Boost expert systematically introduces the broad set of Boost libraries and teaches best practices for their use.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  31. C++ Cookbook (Cookbooks (O'Reilly)) :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Despite its highly adaptable and flexible nature, C++ is also one of the more complex programming languages to learn. Once mastered, however, it can help you organize and process information with amazing efficiency and quickness. The C++ Cookbook will make your path to mastery much shorter.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  32. C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization contains case studies and sample code to give readers concrete examples and proven solutions to problems that don't have cut and paste solutions. The market for miniature computer programming is exploding.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  33. C++ from the Ground Up, Third Edition :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    This excellent primer provides a plethora of C programming information for beginning to intermediate users on topics like classes, objects, expressions, arrays, pointers. Plus, it also covers advanced topics like inheritance, namespaces, STL, custom string class, and the Standard C Class Library. For users of all levels, this guide teaches with examples of source code and a thorough display of the results.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  34. C++ XML :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    "C++ XML" is a book exclusively devoted to the power and complexities of integrating XML standards into C++. As a developer, this is a book you cannot miss. "C++ XML" addresses all major standards, toolkits, and types of applications dealing with XML as a format for representing and exchanging data, as well as XML behavior, from a C++ standpoint.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  35. C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++ Gotchas is the professional programmer's guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. It also serves as an inside look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  36. C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition presents the ANSI C++ standard beginning with a discussion of the essential elements of C++ programming: loops, expressions, functions, and classes. It walks readers through the basics of object-oriented programming: classes, inheritance, templates, and exceptions, as well as the latest object-oriented programming techniques.PASSWORD :ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  37. C++ Template Metaprogramming : Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++ Template Metaprogramming" sheds light on the most powerful idioms of today's C++, at long last delivering practical metaprogramming tools and techniques into the hands of the everyday programmer.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  38. C++: A Dialog: Programming with the C++ Standard Library :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++: A Dialog is the easiest, most effective way for beginners to learn C++ programming. Unlike many beginners' books, C++: A Dialog uses industry-standard C++ and the latest standard librariesgiving you skills you can use with any standard C++ toolset, in any programming environment.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  39. Designing Components With the C Stl: A New Approach to Programming :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    This book is the most accurate and up-to-date source of information on the STL currently available. ... It has an approach and appeal of its own: it explains techniques for building data structures and algorithms on top of the STL, and in this way appreciates the STL for what it is - a framework.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  40. Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Exceptional C++ shows by example how to go about sound software engineering in standard C++. Do you enjoy solving thorny C++ problems and puzzles? Do you relish writing robust and extensible code? Then take a few minutes and challenge yourself with some tough C++ design and programming problems.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  41. Efficient C++ Performance Programming Techniques :  (Book is in PDF   format ) Free
    Demonstrates the potential of C++ to produce highly efficient programs. Reveals practical, everyday object-oriented design principles and C++ coding techniques that can yield large performance improvements.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  42. Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++ :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    This book introduces embedded systems to C and C++ programmers. Topics include testing memory devices, writing and erasing Flash memory, verifying nonvolatile memory contents, controlling on-chip peripherals, device driver design and implementation, optimizing embedded code for size and speed, and making the most of C++ without a performance penalty.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  43. Thinking in C++ (Second edition) by Bruce Eckel : [Mirror] [Mirror] (3.3 MB ) ( free in Zip[html] format ) ( Book)
    it is one of the most popular book available online for c++ (Link taken From http://www.xatrix.org/)
  44. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ :(Free in HTML format) ( tutorial)
    It is a greate tutorial for learning database algorithms in C++ . It explai nearly all the commonly known algo using c++ language.(Link taken From http://www.brpreiss.com/books/opus4/html/book.html)
  45. C++ Annotations :[Mirror][Mirror (pdf)]( free in html format ) ( tutorial)
    C++ Annotation is one of the best place to find the latest documentation of c++.It covers nearly all the topics related to c++.
Borland c++ builder Books
  1. Borland C Power Programming/Book and Disk (Programming) :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    A very nice book on borland C++.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  2. Borland C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide is revised for the latest version of C++ Builder, the biggest update to C++ Builder in years. C++ Builder is an ANSI C++ IDE. The Version 6 adds BizSnap, a tool to build Web Services using XML/SOAP, .NET, and BizTalk from Microsoft, and SunONE from Sun Microsystems.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)