8051 ALP to interface stepper motor(Full step Clock wise)

, by Engineer's Vision

;Write an 8051 ALP to interface stepper motor
;for following operation :
;Full step Clock wise

ORG 0000H        ;set origin at 0000 position

L0 : MOV R0,#48H    ;number of rotations
     MOV A,#0CCH    ;first quadrant value

L1 : MOV P1,A        ;moves accumulator to port 1
     RR A        ;rotate right
     ACALL DELAY    ;absolute call to label delay
     DJNZ R0,L1
     JMP L0        ;jump to label L0
DELAY : MOV R4,#0FFH    ;FF*FF delay

L2 :    MOV R7,#0FFH

L3 : DJNZ R7,L3
     DJNZ R4,L2
END             ;end of program