Digital Signal Processing

, by Engineer's Vision

Signal Processing & Communication Lab

Digital Signal Processing

1.       What is difference between digital signal & discrete signal
2.       What is difference between digital signal processing & analog signal processing
3.       What are the applications of digital signal processing
4.       What are the different types of signals & system. Give examples
5.       List standard test signals
6.       What is aliasing effect
7.       What are the properties of LTI system
8.       Define impulse response
9.       What is auto correlation & cross correlation & state its applications
10.    What are the advantages of Z transform
11.    Compare Z transform & Fourier Transform
12.    How to check stability & causality of the system in Z domain
13.    What are the properties of ROC
14.    What are the properties Z transform
15.    Explain the significance of pole location in determining the behavior of the system
16.    What is system function
17.    What are different methods to find out inverse z transform
18.    Compare analog filter with digital filter
19.    Compare butterworth & chebyshev  approximation
20.    What is roc of following sequences
    1. Finite causal
    2. Finite anti-causal
    3. Infinite causal
    4. Infinite anti-causal

  1. Define DFT & state its properties
  2.  What is difference between DTFT & DFT
  3. What is difference between linear & circular convolution
  4. What is difference twiddle factor and what is its significance
  5. Write the formula of DFT & IDFT
  6. Form the twiddle factor for matrix of size N
  7. What is leakage effect of in FFT
  8. Compare the computational complexity of DFT & FFT
  9. Define DIT &DIF algorithms
  10. What is difference between overlap add & overlap save method
  11. What is necessity of overlap add & overlap save method
  12. Draw signal flow graph of 4 point, 8 point & 16 point DIT FFT
  13. What is Radix
  14. What is application of FFT
15.    How many no. Of stages of decimation are required in the case of 8 point & 16 point, 32 point & 64 point Radix  DIT FFT
  1. Explain inpalce computation

1.       What are the characteristic of FIR filter
2.       State different types of window & their characteristic
3.       Compare all the windows
4.       What are symmetric & anti symmetric filters
5.       What is Gibb’s phenomenon
6.       Why rectangular window is not preferred
7.       Draw the spectrum of all the windows
8.       Explain different forms of realization
9.       List the DSP processor & its manufacturers
10.    Why windowing is necessary

1.      What is difference between FIR & IIR filters
2.      What are the methods for designing IIR filter
3.      How to map the poles from S plane to Z plane
4.      What is the approximation impulse invariance & bilinear transformation
5.      What is warping effect
6.      What is frequency transformation
7.      State the applications of iir & fir filters
8.      Whether iir filter is physically realizable or not
9.      What are the different parameters of speech signal
10.  Explain echo cancellation


  1.  What is multirate digital signal processing?
  2. Define Decimation with an example?
  3. Explain interpolation with an example?
  4. Draw the block diagram of multirate decimator and interpolator?
  5. What is sub-baud coding?
  6. List the different types of A/D converter and D/A converter?
  7. What is oversampling and undersampling ADC?
  8. What is STFT? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages?
  9. Compare between Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform?
  10. What are the applications of Wavelet Transform?

      Unit -6

  1. What is word length?
  2. What are finite word length effects?
  3. What is fixed point representation?
  4. What is floating point representation?
  5. What is truncation?
  6. What is rounding?
  7. Compare between fixed and floating point arithmetic?
  8. Difference between microprocessor and DSP?
  9. What are the desirable features of DSP?
  10. What are limit cycle oscillations
  11. Mention any one application in which DSP is used in day to day life?