Signal coding and estimation theory- important oral questions

, by Engineer's Vision

Signal coding and estimation theory-  important oral questions
1)    What is a DMS?
2)    Differentiate between equi probable and non equi probable sources?
3)    What is the purpose of source coding?
4)    What are the different methods of source coding?
5)    What are the different methods of channel coding?
6)    Difference between Huffman and Limpel Ziv algorithm
7)    What is a BSC? (Binary Symmetric Channel)
8)    What is an ideal channel?
9)    Define lossless and deterministic channel
10) Define information & entropy.
11) What is mutual information? State its formula.
12) What is channel capacity?
13) State the Unit of information and Entropy.
14) Difference between conditional & joint entropy.
15) State Kraft’s inequality
16) How to find efficiency of a source code?
17) What is prefix free condition for a given code?
18) Difference between Shannon fano & Huffman? Which one is better?
19) State the source coding theorem
20) What is code variance?
21) What is burst error?
22) State important features of BCH code and cyclic codes
23) State applications of RS codes
24) What are hamming codes,fire code, Golay code?
25) What is constraint length of a code?
26) What is meant by code rate?
27) Compare LBC and convolutional code
28) What is the use of code tree, trellis and state diagram?
29) How do you decode convolutional codes?
30) Which Matlab functions do we use for convolutional coding & decoding?
31) What is coding gain?
32) What is data compression?
33) What is channel coding? State the channel coding theorem.
34) What is: linearity, cyclic property of a code?
35) What do u mean by weight of a code & hamming distance of a code?
36) Difference between systematic & non systematic.
37) What do u mean by syndrome?
38) How do u find error detecting and error correcting capacity of a code?
39) What is ARQ & FEC?
40) What are the JPEG standards?
41) What do u mean by maximum likelihood path?
42) In Viterbi decoding:  i) what is path metric?   ii)what is branch metric?    iii)how to determine the survivor?
43) State applications of BCH codes.
44) State applications of RS codes.
45) Compare BCH and RS codes. Which one is better?
46) How does error correction take place in convolutional decoding?
47) Determine the hardware implementation for encoder and decoder for convolutional codes.
48) What do u mean by binary and non binary codes?