Artificial Intelligence Oral Questions

, by Engineer's Vision

1. What are AI techniques?
2. What are different AI tasks? Give some examples.
3. Define AI.
4. Define Intelligence.
5. What are limitations of human intelligence.
6. What is turing test.
7. Properties of knowledge.
8. What are intelligent agents? Draw diagram.
9. What are the components of problem.
10. Define 8 puzzle game formally using all components.
11. Describe and give examples of AI search.
12. What are two types of searches? Give examples of each.
13. what is depth limited search?
14. How algorithm complexities in AI are defined? What are the factors?
15. What is uniformed search? Give examples.
16. What is informed search? Give examples.
17. What is 8 queens problems.
18. What is bidirectional search? Complexity?
19. Name few problem characteristics.
20. Explain few typical AI problems & their peculiarity
    e.g. The missionaries and cannibals, The monkey and Bananas Problems,
         The tower of Hanoi, Crypt-arithmetic.
21. explain Hill climbing and its variations.
22. What is the difference between OR graph and AND-OR graph.
23. Explain A* algorithm with example.
24. Explain AO* algorithm with example.
25. What is problem reduction?
26. How constraint satisfaction is useful in solving crypt-arithmetic problem.
27. what is the difference table?
28. Explain means and ends analysis.
29. How facts and representations are mapped. (page 80)
30. Represent following using simple facts and prepositional logic
    1)if it is raining , then it is not sunny.
    2)Amruta is a student.
31. Represent following using predicate logic
    1)Marcus was a man.
    2)Everyone is loyal to someone.
    3)few students are absent
    4)All students scored distinction.
32. Differentiate between prepositional and predicate logic.
33. What are computable functions and predicates. (page 105)
34. what is resolution?
35. Explain steps for converting wff in clause form.
36. Explain resolution in prepositional logic. Explain unification algorithm.
37. Explain resolution in predicate logic.
38. What is the difference between procedural and declarative knowledge?
39. What is Horn clause? (page 131)
40. State prolog representations for logical statements. (page 132)
41. what is forword & backword reasoning.
42. Explain with example. (page 134)
43. What is non-monotonic reasoning?
44. what is default reasoning?
45. Explain JTMS with example.
46. What are different type of TMS/Belief system.
47. What is fuzzy logic? (page 184)
48. What is semantic nets?
49. What are frames?
50. What are weak & strong slott & filter structures?
51. Name strong slott & filter structures.
52. what is conceptual dependency?
53. Convert following sentence using CD
    -I gave the man a book.
54. What are scripts?
55. How scripts are different than frames?
56. Name declarative knowledge representation structure (page 222)
    -Predicate logic
    -production rules
    -Non monotonic systems
    -Statistical Reasoning systems
    -semantic Nets
    -Conceptual dependency
57. Explain need for mini-max search procedure.
58. what are the steps in mini-max search algorithm?
59. what are alpha-beta cut offs?
60. Explain waiting for Quiescence.
61. Need for secondary search.
62. what is iterative deepening.
63. which search algorithm can be used for chess game? Justify.
64. What is planning?
65. Need of planning in AI problem solving techniques?
66. what are components of planning system?
67. what is Goal Stack planning?
68. Explain STRIPS problem solving techniques.
69. what is Hierarchical planning? (page 168)
70. Exercise 1, page 270
71. What is understanding?
72. Explain waltz algorithm.
73. What is Natural language processing?
74. Name steps in NLP.
75. What is note learning?
76. What is learning?
77. Give an example of explaination best learning (page 365)
78. what are decision trees? (page 369)
79. what is perceptron? (page 379)
80. what is learning in neural networks? (page 379)
81. what is unsupervised learning? (page 392)
82. Give some applications of neural networks. (page 396)
83. what is connectionist speech and connectionist vision?
84. Draw an architecture of expert system.
85. What is perception? (page 434)
86. Explain Ant algorithm in short. (page 476)


87. Convert following english sentences into PROLOG equivalents.
    -The pickles are spicy.
    -Priya likes food if they are delicious. (page 497)
88. Write a program in prolog to find which food a person likes. (page 497)
89. write a program in prolog to find which subjects student likes.
90. Explain following w.r.t. PROLOG
    6)Arity   (page 499)
91. How prolog variables are written? Give rules and examples. (page 499)
92. What are different arithmatic operators in prolog (page 501)
93. Explain how goal matchig is achieved in prolog. (page 502)
94. Explain Backtracking in prolog. (page 503)
95. Explain lists in prolog. (page 508)
96. How facts are inserted, modified and deleted during runtime in prolog? (page 512 Dynamic databases)
97. what do you mean by consulting and reconsulting in prolog environment? (page 516)
98. Comment on I/O & streams in prolog. (Page 515)


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Thanks a lot