E-books on Visual C++

, by Engineer's Vision

  1. ATL Internals: Working with ATL 8 :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Four leading Windows programming experts systematically reveal ATL's inner workings, explaining not just how ATL works, but why it works the way it does. Client-side developers will master ATL's resources for windowing, COM control, MFC integration, web service proxy generation, and more. Server-side programmers will discover ATL's full COM server and object services, and its extensive support for high-throughput, high-concurrency web applications, and services.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  2. Developer's Workshop to COM and ATL 3.0 :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Microsoft's Component Object Model is one of the most important concepts in software development today. Developer's Workshop to COM and ATL 3.0 provides an in-depth treatment of COM and shows how to adopt a component framework, namely ATL, to help lessen the burden of repetitive code.The book closes with an investigation of using ATL as a windowing framework and wraps up with the development of a full-blown animated ActiveX control using ATL.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  3. PrenticeHall - Understanding DCOM :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    The goal of this book is to make COM and DCOM comprehendible to a normal person. If you have tried to learn COM and found its complexity to be totally unbelievable, or if you have ever tried to work with COM code and felt like you needed a Ph.D. in quantum physics just to get by, then you know exactly what this goal means.PassWord:www.ITeBookHome.com
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  4. Inside Atl (Programming Languages/C) :  (Book is in ZIP  format ) Free
    Written for readers with knowledge of C , Inside ATL surveys the strengths of today's Active Template Library (ATL), used for creating lightweight, high-performance COM components on Windows. This book provides an excellent guide to ATL programming while introducing all its features, both for client- and server-side development.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  5. Applying COM+ :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Aimed at the knowledgeable C++/VB programmer, Gregory Brill's Applying COM+ offers a state-of-the-art tour of today's COM+ as used in Windows 2000. Whether you want to build more robust components or take advantage of enterprise-level features, like transactions or asynchronous processing, this title can help put leading-edge techniques into your programming arsenal.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  6. COM Programming: A Practical Guide Using Visual C and ATL :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    It explains the fundamentals of Component Object Model and shows how to design and develop COM-based applications. Each chapter builds on the knowledge from the previous chapter. The second part, The Extension , focuses on COM architecture and services provided by COM 1.0. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of COM . Chapter five, however, explains the COM programming model, and should be read before looking into any other COM chapter.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  7. Inside COM+ Base Services (Microsoft Programming Series) :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Inside COM+ Base Services examines many aspects of Microsoft's Component Object Model in depth. The book provides a great deal of information well-suited to experienced C++ programmers, as well as thorough explanations and useful code examples.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
Dot Net using Visual C++.NET
  1. Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Professional Projects :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Use Visual C++ .NET to accomplish real-world, professional tasks. Incorporating ten hands-on projects, this book is your key to unlocking the power of Visual C++ .NET. Each project focuses on a specific concept and is based on a real-world situation. You will be able to use the skills that you develop throughout the book to modify the projects to fit your professional needs.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  2. Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    This book explains how to write .NET 2.0 applications and services. It provides you with a clean slate, erasing the need for developing the COM, DCOM, COM+, or ActiveX components that used to be a necessity. Instead, you'll learn how to write .NET applications using C++/CLI. This book is based on its highly successful predecessor, and bridges the gap between classic C++ and C++/CLI. Furthermore, this edition is based on the newest version of Visual Studio .NET (2005) and .NET Platform version 2.0.PassWord:ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  3. Sams teach yourself Visual C++. NET in 24 hours :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    This book is for developers who want to develop .NET applications using Visual C++ 7.0 as the programming language. It covers the new features of Visual C++ which support .NET while lightly covering the new MFC and ATL enhancements as they relate to the .NET architecture, but focuses heavily on developing for the .NET framework.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  4. Beginning Visual C++ 2005 :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Popular author Ivor Horton uses his trademark approachable writing style to provide novice programmers with the basic tools as they learn Visual C++ 2005 Readers will learn how to program in C++ using Visual C++ 2005 without any previous knowledge of C++ More than 35 percent new and updated material covers the new release of Visual C++, and exercises and solutions help readers along the way Demonstrates the significant new features of Visual C++ 2005, providing improved flexibility in developing Microsoft applications in C++.
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  5. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner focuses on teaching first time programmers how to program using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition as a foundation language. Written for the entry-level user, the book assumes no prior programming or scripting experience.PassWord:ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  6. Extending MFC Applications with the .NET Framework :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Written for experienced MFC developers, this guide explores how some of the .NET classes might complement or even replace various MFC counterpart classes without requiring developers to completely adapt the entire .NET framework. The authors discuss managed extensions, regular expressions, the cryptography classes, XML processing, the ADO.NET disconnected data model, and distributed processing with .NET remoting.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  7. Microsoft Visual C .NET Step by Step--Version 2003 (Step By Step (Microsoft)) :  (Book is in ZIP  format ) Free
    Guide to the latest version of Visual C . Practical, hands-on tutorial on the fundamentals: including writing managed code, and running and debugging .NET-based applications and XML Web services.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  8. Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Managed C++ and .NET Development is about writing .NET applications and services. It is designed to start developers with a clean slate, wiping clear any need for developing COM, DCOM, COM , or ActiveX components. Instead, it will show readers how to code in the world of .NET-free of the unneeded baggage that accompanies component development.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
MFC/ Visual C++
  1. Desktop Applications for Microsoft VC++ 6.0 :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free (NEW)
    The MFC is a class library that provides a collection of C++ classes, taking the drudgery out of writing software for Windows. The classes are targeted at the features your application needs - such as status bars, the implementations required for multiple document windows, and support for context-sensitive help - which means that using MFC saves you coding time which you can use to implement other features in your application.
  2. Visual C++ 6: The Complete Reference :  (Book is in CHM   format ) Free (UPDATED)
    This book opens with a tour of how to use the sixth version of Microsoft's compiler. The author surveys the compiler's features and tools (including a reference to every available menu option) and discusses the basics of installing it and getting it up and running.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  3. Learn the MFC C++ Classes :  (Book is in PDF   format ) Free (UPDATED)
    This book describes the most frequently used portions of the MFC library and covers the API functions needed for the example applications. Topics include graphics and text drawing, child windows, edit controls, toolbars, status bars and more.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  4. Professional MFC With Visual C++ 6 :  (Book is in CHM   format ) Free (UPDATED)
    The MFC is a class library that provides a collection of C++ classes, taking the drudgery out of writing software for Windows. The classes are targeted at the features your application needs - such as status bars, the implementations required for multiple document windows, and support for context-sensitive help - which means that using MFC saves you coding time which you can use to implement other features in your application.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  5. Visual C++ Optimization with Assembly Code :  (Book is in RAR  format ) Free
    Describing how the Assembly language can be used to develop highly effective C++ applications, this guide covers the development of 32-bit applications for Windows. Areas of focus include optimizing high-level logical structures, creating effective mathematical algorithms, and working with strings and arrays. Code optimization is considered for the Intel platform, taking into account features of the latest models of Intel Pentium processors and how using Assembly code in C++ applications can improve application processing.PassWord:ebooksatkoobe
    (Link taken From www.ITeBookHome.com)
  6. ActiveX Programming with Visual C++ [MIRROR]:  (Book is in HTML   format ) Free
    Excellent book for learning ActiveX Programming in Visual c++ and MFC.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  7. Beginning Visual C++ 6 :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    "Windows programming is not difficult," observes well-respected author Ivor Horton in his book Beginning Visual C 6. "In fact, Microsoft Visual C 6.0 makes it remarkably easy." Horton's treatment of Visual C continues the expert author's thorough and patient presentation of the best of today's object-oriented computer languages. (Besides C , the author has written the excellent Beginning Java for Java developers).
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  8. Database Developer's Guide with Visual C++ 4, Second Edition :  (Book is in HTML  format ) Free
    This book emphasizes optimization of database design; implementing Access SQL for Access, dBase, Paradox, and Btrieve databases.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  9. Mastering Visual C++ 6.0 :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    A nice well written easy to comprehend book there are better ones of coure , but i guess it's worth trying if you have the time and easy books can help you at the beginning of your programming career.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  10. Mastering Windows 2000 Programming With Visual C ++ (Mastering) :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Helps programmers take advantage of everything that Windows 2000 offers to enhance Visual C++ programming while avoiding the pitfalls that can cost time and money.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  11. Mfc Black Book :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Includes full coverage of expert-level programming issues-unlike most other MFC books, which focus on elementary topics.Teaches how to use multiple views with one document, use customized serialization, how to edit during print preview, and more!
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  12. Programming Windows With MFC (Jeff Prosise's):  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    The second edition of Jeff Prosise's Programming Windows with MFC is a great introduction to the programming language that will help you build client-side applications in MFC. Though it doesn't cover Internet development, this title provides a worthy tutorial on traditional MFC programming.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  13. Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Learn Visual C++ through the Teach Yourself series, with sections on: Q&A, Do's and Don'ts, Workshop, Shaded syntax boxes, Type/Output/Analysis icons.You'll learn: C++ basics; hierarchies; members, functions, and objects; inheritance; MFC; installing Visual C++, the Visual C++ compiler, keyboard input; mouse usage; data file handling; lists and serialization; toolbars and status bars; graphics; and projects.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  14. Using Visual C++ 6 [MIRROR]:  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Using Visual C++ 6 provides a thorough tour of the essential features of Visual C++ 6 with plenty of hands-on programming examples. It's a good guide for any beginning or intermediate C++ programmer who wants to get a handle on Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) and the new Visual C++.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  15. Visual C++ in 12 Easy Lessons :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    Each of the 12 lessons presented here has three parts--two units and a review project. The units explain Visual C++ programming concepts, and the project contains a real-world code example. The book also provides line-by-line explanations, definitions of new terms, sample programs, and assignments that allow readers to apply their new knowledge.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  16. Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming :  (Book is in ZIP   format ) Free
    The Windows shell provides much of the look and feel of the Windows 98/Windows NT 4 desktop, and it offers many new possibilities for writing better programs. Visual C++ 6 Windows Shell Programming provides an excellent guide to understanding and programming the Windows shell, in a book filled with expert tips and useful code.
    (Link taken From www.flazx.com)
  17. Learn ActiveX Template Library Development with Visual C++ 6.0 : ( free in PDF format ) ( Book)
    it is a very good book for learning ATL Programming using VC++.(Link taken From http://www.maththinking.com/boat/booksIndex.html)
  18. ActiveX Programming Unleashed :[Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It contains all the concepts related to ActiveX Programming.(Link taken From http://www.soldierx.com/books/)
  19. Teach Yourself Database Programming with Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days : [Mirror] ( free in html format ) ( Book)
    It teaches Database programming using MFC and Visual C++.(Link taken From